Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Global Mothering and Global Warming

This article from The Christian Science Monitor discusses one mother's struggle to deal with her children's questions and fears about global warming and still maintain hope for the future. I was just glad they admitted global warming exists.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The First Mother

Michelle Obama has made it through her first week as First Lady and she still continues to speak out about the importance of family, her children, and women's rights. Michelle sums it up in this entry from while on the campaign trail. And if you're wondering, "What will Barack Obama do for me personally," (because I know you are) there's a link to a document outlining his policy hopes for women, children, and families.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mothering Amongst Current Events

I know it's been a long, long while since I've posted here. The holidays attacked and my capacity for finding relevant stories was diminished. But I'm back (especially since a blog friend listed this as one of my current blogs. Don't want to let anyone down). So I had to pick a good one. I Googled "Gaza mother" since things have literally blown up over there and surely there are human interest stories being written about women surviving and nurturing children in the chaos. I found a blog written by a Palestinian mother and journalist who lives in Gaza and the States. She has been writing since 2004 about her experiences as a Muslim woman, mother and journalist. Admittedly it's one side of the story. But for Americans, who generally have no idea what happens beyond the Atlantic and Pacific, this offers a real and human insight into an ongoing historical feud.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Empowerment in Afghanistan

This story from The New York Times is not specifically about mothers. But women are or become mothers right? We don't get enough information in the United States about what's going on in other countries. Most of the mainstream media would rather spend time shocking or scaring people. But I think learning about what women in other countries are subjected to is a valuable reminder of how lucky we are.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Mommy Wars Part 2,000

This short article from the The New York Times is an innocuous piece about the wage gap between mothers and women without children. So far so good. But then the comments section is opened up and the flame wars begin. I think it is refreshing to read about fights between moms and women without children once in a while. I'm tired of the working mom versus stay at home mom debate.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Blogging About Momhood

"Mommy blogs" (I hate that term) are nothing new. Every few months the media runs a story on the wondrous "new world" of mom blogs. By now almost every mom I know has her own blog. But it is still cool to see the difference blogs make in the lives of women who write them and women who read them.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mom Guilt

Is there any other kind? We're either giving it or experiencing it. This columnist captures the gut churning guilt that can only come from feeling less than a perfect mother. And I have to share her horror at not completing a baby book for her child. I even received one as a gift that was pre-made and all I had to do was fill in the dates and descriptions. And I didn't even do that. I hope my youngest can forgive me. I figure if I do a really good job for the next 20 years she'll overlook that bump in the road.